Most Americans struggle with credit card debt. While this can be a year-round struggle, there are seasons where people feel compelled to spend more money. In the summer months, consumer spending increases. Often, this leads to reliance on credit cards. If you are...
Month: June 2020
Do you automatically lose your home if you file for bankruptcy?
Watching your finances spin out of control may prove anxiety-inducing, and you may find yourself wondering whether bankruptcy may give you the fresh start you need. You may wonder, however, whether filing for bankruptcy may lead to the automatic loss of your home. A...
Chapter 13 and repayment plans
Chapter 13 is advantageous for many individuals for a host of reasons. However, it is crucial to carefully review this process before filing a petition and have a clear understanding of the responsibilities that come with Chapter 13. When taking this route, people set...
What is the difference between secured and unsecured debt?
Bankruptcy is a learning opportunity for nearly everyone who files. Some of the information will be new, while other perspectives will simply elaborate or contextualize what you already know. One example is secured versus unsecured debt. Here is how the two are...