When you make the decision to buy a home, you will need to make many considerations. However, you should start by determining how much you can afford to spend. While a lender may give you an idea of how much mortgage you can get, there is a difference between what you...
Month: February 2021
How can I negotiate my credit card debt?
You feel stressed with each credit card bill that comes in. You have tried to change your spending habits and stick to a budget but these steps are not helping you. Still, you should not feel despair. In fact, your credit card company may understand your situation and...
What are your duties as a debtor?
Filing for bankruptcy often seems like a difficult and even scary task. One of the best ways to help assuage any fears you have is by gaining a deep understanding of bankruptcy. This way, you understand everything that happens as it happens. One of the first places...
What should I know about a bankruptcy discharge?
When you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, your ultimate goal is to get the discharge. The bankruptcy discharge signals the end of your case and the release of responsibility you have for the debts. The United States Department of Justice explains that you should be...