A Family-Owned, Family-Focused Bankruptcy Firm

Month: August 2017

“H’ Is For Household Median Income

Household median income is an important part of any bankruptcy analysis.  During your free consultation at my Livonia, Michigan Bankruptcy Law Office, I will  out what your household income is to determine how your income relates to the Household median income for the...

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“G” Is For Guaranty

Personal Guaranty, Chapter 7 ,Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Livonia Michigan A Guaranty is a creditor that is often forgotten about when people file bankruptcy.  Regardless, the bankruptcy code is very clear that you have to list ALL of your creditors when you file...

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“E” Is For Evaluate Your Debt Counselor

Beware of consumer debt counseling or debt management programs.  The truth is that not everyone offering to help you get control of your finances has your best interests at heart.  You need to understand the debt counseling/ debt management process before you ever...

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