When you struggle with debt, you will likely deal with a debt collector at some point. This unfortunately means you may have to contend with some unpleasant interactions. However, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) can protect you from the worst of it. In...
Month: May 2021
The differences between chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy
If debt is overwhelming you, you may be considering filing for bankruptcy. However, there are different types of bankruptcy, and common ones are chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy. When you understand the differences between the two, you will be able to make a more...
Do I have too much equity in my home to file for bankruptcy?
The U.S. Bankruptcy Code provides property owners a homestead exemption; this means that you may keep your primary residence even if it has some equity value. Michigan residents may choose between the federal or state exemption, and you may opt for whichever offers...
Can I file for bankruptcy while in mortgage forbearance?
You may be a homeowner struggling with mortgage payments and foreclosure is looming as a possibility. Arranging forbearance with your bank may allow you to pause your mortgage payments or reduce your payments for a time period. But if your debt burden is too high, you...