Credit cards can be wonderful if you use them carefully and make sure that you make payments to avoid going into debt. However, if you have a higher balance and cannot pay off the card at each billing statement, you always have the option of making the minimum...
Month: July 2019
Soaring medical debt can lead to bankruptcy
Despite modern advances in medical care and constant debate in Congress regarding health insurance coverage, many Americans still end up filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy due to medical debts. According to CNBC, recent studies of medical debtors from...
What separates Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy?
Deciding which type of bankruptcy is best for Michigan residents takes an understanding of each kind. While many different types of bankruptcy declarations exist, two of the most common are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. The U.S. Bankruptcy Code defines Chapter 7 as a...
The pros and cons of consolidating credit card debt
It seems easier than ever to get a credit card in America these days, with so many different companies offering seemingly great options for customers. However, credit card debt can swiftly rise without careful financial management. Business Insider reports that at...
What is a reverse mortgage?
The longer you own your home in Michigan and the more you pay down your mortgage, the better you are financially because you gain equity in your home. That equity helps to balance the debt of your mortgage. Ideally, you will have more equity than debt. However, over...
What are the benefits of filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
Michigan consumers most often file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Both provide a fresh financial start and a brighter, happier future without stress about debt, but how do you choose which one is right for you? There are several benefits for filing for...