A Family-Owned, Family-Focused Bankruptcy Firm

Month: June 2021

What happens to mortgages in bankruptcy?

Debtors in Livonia, Michigan, commonly file for one of two types of bankruptcy when they see no way to repay their debt. Chapter 7 helps a debtor get certain debts discharged by selling nonexempt assets. Chapter 13 restructures debts for individuals with steady wages...

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Would bankruptcy stop collection actions?

Filing for bankruptcy might be the right choice for a Michigan resident suffering from heavy debt. When debt becomes crushing, the problems could ripple into other areas of life. Creditor harassment might make things even worse if creditors ignore rules about...

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Tips for moving forward after bankruptcy

Bankruptcy offers debt relief for Michigan residents struggling with an overwhelming financial burden. The idea of filing Chapter 7 may be frightening at first, it won’t last forever. Instead, it may help you move past the debt and get on with the rest of your life...

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