If you are in credit card debt, the good news is that there are plenty of options when it comes to strategizing how to tackle it. One very common method to deal with credit card debt is the snowball method. Another very popular option is the avalanche method. If you...
Month: March 2021
How are credit scores calculated?
Your credit score plays a role in multiple areas of your life. Along with securing loans and credit cards, credit scores are also important when you apply for a new job or rent an apartment. Understanding the process for calculating credit scores is the first step to...
Are all debts dischargeable under a Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a welcome relief for most people who feel crushed under the weight of their debt. This type of bankruptcy wipes out, or "discharges", most debts. This allows you to get on with your life with a clean slate. There are some types of debt,...
What should you do if you cannot pay your mortgage?
A change in circumstances, such as a job loss, may make it difficult to make your monthly mortgage payments. This is a situation that requires immediate attention. If you go too long without making payments, your lender could foreclose your mortgage, causing you to...