Tiny homes attract people seeking affordable and sustainable living. But even these smaller dwellings can pose financial challenges. You have options if you're struggling to pay for your tiny home in Michigan. Let's explore what you can do. What counts as a tiny home?...
Mortgage Debt
3 benefits of paying your mortgage debt early
Owning a home is a significant milestone for any adult. Obtaining a mortgage makes this dream achievable for many because it spreads the cost of your home over many years. However, being mortgage free sooner than later can also be a source of pride. Let’s take a...
Options for when you’re behind on your Michigan mortgage
In Michigan, the average monthly mortgage payment is $1,031, according to Money Geek. It’s not surprising that with the rising cost of living some people are falling behind. The total mortgage debt in the U.S. increased to $11.2 trillion in 2022, according to...
Long-term debt and how it affects you
Some Michigan residents struggle with debt. Whether it involves overspending with credit cards, paying off mortgages or repaying student loans, owing money can impact every area of your life. Your credit can suffer When you are in a long-term debt cycle, it can make...
Avoid paying taxes on forgiven mortgage debt
Under certain circumstances, mortgage lenders in Michigan and around the country could forgive a portion of a home buyer's debt or choose to reduce the principal balance. When this happens, the forgiven mortgage debt is typically considered taxable income to the...
What options do I have if I cannot pay my mortgage loan?
In Michigan, there are people every day who are unable to pay their mortgage loans. So you might be wondering what your next step should be. Should you refinance? Refinancing a house means taking out a new mortgage by revising and replacing the terms to have a lower...
Mortgage and debt
When trying to get approved for a mortgage in Michigan, the debt to income ratio is one of the most important measures you should consider. The DTI is a way for lenders to judge how well you can financially handle the mortgage. Debt to income ratio While lenders will...
Are Michigan mortgages considered secured debts?
Odds are, any Michigan resident that is purchasing a home will be signing a mortgage to go along with it. While mortgages are very common across the U.S., it’s important to fully understand the type of debt you’re taking on. What goes into getting approved for a...
Your debt-to-income ratio is vital when obtaining mortgage debt
It can be exciting to purchase a home in Michigan. If this is your goal, it's essential to understand all the elements involved. While considering finances is necessary, analyzing affordability is also critical. You'll need to examine mortgage rates and your...
What you need to know about mortgages in Michigan
When it comes to buying a home, there are many important things to think about. One of the most important is how you will pay for the property. There are a few different ways to finance a home purchase, but one of the most common is through a mortgage. What is a...