For every piece of good advice regarding getting out of credit card debt on the internet, there is a lot of dross. It is vital for you to understand what is a solid debt payment strategy and what will simply set you back further. Debt often comes bundled along with...
Month: April 2021
An adversary proceeding may prevent debt discharge
Although most Chapter 7 bankruptcies do result in the discharge of the debtor's debts, that discharge is not a legal right. Creditors also have rights, and they may object to the discharge. The process of objecting is a legal action known as an adversary proceeding,...
How do you identify debt collector harassment?
As someone suffering under the weight of debt, you already have more than enough concerns on your plate. Unfortunately, a debt collector might add more to it, intentionally or unintentionally. Any form of debt collection might feel like a big stressor. At the same...
Debt management, debt settlement or bankruptcy?
If you live with overwhelming debt, you have a few debt relief options. “Overwhelming debt” is debt on which you routinely fail to make progress despite your best efforts. Debt relief programs were designed to help debtors break free of the costly and often...